Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

To Add a Menu to the Menu Bar

  1. Click on the default Menu item listed under MenuBar, or right-click on MenuBar and choose Add > Menu.
  2. Insert the following.




    Item label.


    If the menu item is not enclosed within a menu definition, it should have the path attribute specified to define the items location in the menu bar. For example: File > Import or Utilities > Render. (The “>” character should be used as a path separator.)

    Insert Before

    Label of menu item before which to insert current menu.

    Insert Before Id

    Search id of the item before which the new menu will be inserted.

    Insert After

    Label of menu item after which new item is to be inserted.

    Insert After Id

    Search id of menu item after which new item is to be inserted. Insert After and Insert After Id will be ignored when Insert Before or Insert Before Id are specified.


    True or false.


    Menu Id in case it may be needed by custom applications.


    Delimited list of products which should load the menu. For example: if the menu is to be loaded in Bentley Map only, this attribute should either be set to Map|PowerMap or !PowerMapField.


    Delimited list of modes in which the menu item should be deleted. For example: if the item is to be deleted in redline and viewonly modes, this attribute should either be set to Redline|Viewonly or !Design.


    Delimited list of workspaces for which the menu item should be loaded. For example: if the item is to be loaded in all workspaces whose names start with geo except for geo_example_designer, this attribute should be set to geo*|!geo_example_designer.

  3. In the Menu Entries section, fill in the fields to add a menu item.
  4. Right-click on Menu and choose Add > MenuItem to add additional menu items.